
Oneonta Council No. 87
Cryptic Masons

Assemblies on 4th Wed. at 7:30 pm
Dinner at 6:30 pm

Sept.-Oct. & Jan.-May
Oneonta Masonic Temple
322 Main Street
Oneonta, New York 13820

R∴I∴ David E. Barnes (74), DDGM
V∴I∴ Mathias J. Erschen, IV (74), Assistant Grand Lecturer
R∴I∴ Carl J. Klossner, Grand Captain of the Guard, District Officer

M∴I∴ Donald R. Kunego (19), Grand Master


Oneonta Council 87 Trestleboard


The Current Officers should be able to perform the duties of their positions without books and also try to learn the next progressive position, making the transition next year much easier. It is especially important to competently know your part in the conferral of degrees to make the experience more meaningful and memorable to the candidates. Remember, this will be the first time they will experience Cryptic Masonry, it should be impressive.

If any Companion is contemplating becoming an Officer, please let your intentions be known. It is a worthwhile experience. As such, you will have a more meaningful knowledge of the Cryptic Rite.

Lastly, the Cryptic Ritual is straightforward, and when done properly, beautiful as well, so, let us all participate wholeheartedly.


  • Unless otherwise notified all Assemblies will commence at 7:30 with dinner preceding at 6:30.
  • Dress code is coat & tie or tuxedo .
2021 Time Assembly Meal/Location
August 21-22 198th Assembly of Grand Council
Desmond Hotel, Albany NY
22 September 6:30 pm
7:30 pm
Resume “Normal” Council protocol
Recap of Grand Council Assembly
Assure everyone is able to do their parts in the Degrees.
Oneonta Area
Sat Oct 9 Cryptic Tri-state Degrees Saugerties
Wed Oct 27 6:30 pm
7:30 pm
Confer Royal Master degree
(Tuxedo if you have one)
Delhi Area
26 January 6:30 pm
7:30 pm
Confer Select Master Degree (Tuxedo if you have one)
Chenango Area
23 February 6:30 pm
7:30 pm
Delhi Area
23 March 6:30 pm
7:30 pm
Appointment of Nominating Committee
Program by R:.I:. Bob Rogers - “Enoch’s Secret Vault”
Oneonta Area
20 April DInner
Grand Lecturer
St. Georges
27 April 6:30 pm
7:30 pm
Official Visit of R:.I:. Robert Rogers, DDGM, 4th Cryptic District
Report of Nominating Committee / Election of Officers
Chenango Area
25 May 6:30 pm
7:30 pm
Installation of Officers
Delhi Area
2023 Time Assembly Meal/Location
22 March 7 pm
7:30 pm
Confer Select Master
Appointment of Nominating Committee
20 April DInner
Grand Lecturer
St. Georges
26 April 7 pm
7:30 pm
Report of Nominating Committee / Election of Officers
24 May 7 pm
7:30 pm
Installation of Officers
2023 Time Assembly Meal/Location
8/18, 8/19 Annual Grand Council Albany - Desmond
9/23/23 200th Anniversary Albany Temple
9/27/23 7:30 pm First Opening of the new year
10/25/23 7:30 pm Normal Business
1/24/24 7:30 pm Normal Business
2/28/24 6:30 pm
7:30 pm
Official Visit of the DDGM (David Barnes)
3/20/24 7:30 pm Normal Business
4/24/24 7:30 pm Election of Officers
5/22/24 7:30 pm Installation

Officers 2024-2025

Illustrious Master I∴ Richard Morley
Deputy Master V∴I∴ William Morley
Principal Conductor of the Works I∴ James A Meek meekjandl at earthlink.net
Treasurer R∴I∴ David F. Stoy, KYGCH dstoy at stny.rr.com
Asst. Treasurer R∴I∴ Richard Transue
Recorder R∴I∴ Robert N. Rogers III, KYCH bob.rogers1037 at gmail.com
Captain of the Guard Comp. Alexander D. Brannan
Conductor of the Council Comp. Maciej T. Zoltowski
Chaplain R∴I∴ James W. Hemstrought, Jr.
Steward Comp. Kenneth Soden
Sentinel Comp. Steve Esford
Marshal Comp. Gary Adkin
Trustee 3 yr. I∴ Charles L. Lowe plowe10 at stny.rr.com
Trustee 2 yr. R∴I∴ Richard Transue
Trustee 1 yr. R∴I∴ James W. Hemstrought, Jr., KYGCH hemstroj at stny.rr.com
Musician R∴I∴ Francis K. Wilcox fkwilcox at frontiernet.net
Ass't. Treasurer

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