
Annual Masters & Wardens Golf Tournament

Dear Potential Sponsor:

The Central Leatherstocking District Association of Free and Accepted Masons, Masters & Wardens would like to thank you for your commitment in your community and your past support for our Masonic events. Due to your participation in previous community events, we would like to request your involvement in our tenth annual Masters & Wardens Golf Tournament at Colonial Ridge Golf Course in Laurens, NY scheduled for 8:00 am, Saturday August 3rd, 2024. We expect your advertisement to reach over 100 people throughout Otsego-Schoharie and Delaware Counties and beyond. Advertisement proceeds will fund the Otsego-Schoharie and Delaware Masonic Charities Corporation for the Masonic scholarships program.

Each year the Otsego-Schoharie and Delaware Masonic Charities, Inc. grants four (4), seven hundred fifty dollar ($750) scholarships to deserving area graduating high school seniors. Successful applicants receive one seven hundred fifty dollar ($750) payment upon proof of enrollment for the fall term.

Please note that these grants are open to all deserving students, and that a family Masonic connection is not a requirement. It is required, however, that the application be submitted to a Masonic Lodge, and signed by a member of the Charities Corporation.

These grants are not strictly needs based, although a student is welcome to attach a statement of financial need to their application. Neither are these grants strictly scholastic. The student’s application will be reviewed by a “blind” committee, and their entire package, including letters of recommendations, their aspirations, need, and character will be assessed.

Should one or more students be successful in obtaining a grant, they attend a presentation dinner in their honor, and to have their name and picture placed in our local papers if applicable to the local Lodge situation.

Your continued support of this golf tournament and your local Masonic events will allow the Otsego-Schoharie and Delaware Masonic Charities Corporation to offer additional scholarships to graduating seniors. This enables the young people to better themselves and bring back fresh ideas and outlooks to our communities.

Please use the form and receipt for your advertisement and thank you again for your support.

Nathan Davis, President
The Central Leatherstocking District Association, Masters and Wardens

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