York Rite Colleges of New York
Sovereign York Rite College
of North America

This set of websites
is a project of United YRC 127

York Rite Colleges of New York

Grand Governor, Right Eminently Distinguished Brother David F. Stoy, No. 127, dstoy at stny.rr.com
Deputy Grand Governor, Very Eminently Distinguished Brother Chuck Roberts, No. 25, cholyone at rochester.rr.com

The York Rite Sovereign College of North America exists primarily to be of service to the York Rite of Freemasonry. Constituent colleges must declare fealty to the Grand Lodge of their respective jurisdictions. The pre-requisite for membership, which is by invitation only, is good-standing in all four York Rite bodies: Lodge, Chapter, Council and Commandery.

Google Group yrcny at googlegroups.com

Manhattan York Rite College No. 210


The College will hold 4 meetings during the year. The first was on Saturday, October 7, when a rehearsal of the Opening & Closing was held, and the Governor gave a talk on Observant Capitular Masonry.

On Saturday, January 13 there will be a hybrid Zoom/actual Meeting, at which a talk will be given, and presentations of a Gold Award and Diamond Awards made. On Saturday, March 9 the Order will be conferred. On Saturday, May 11 the Elections & Installation will be held.

Scheduled Meetings in 2024:

Date Time Details Location
Saturday, Jan 13 10:0am Regular Meeting: Talk, Memorial Service, Election of Candidates, Diamond & Gold Award presentations Empire Room, Grand Lodge, NY
Saturday, Mar 09 09:00am Regular Meeting: Run-though and Conferral of Order Empire Room, Grand Lodge, NY
Saturday, May 11 10:00pm Regular Meeting: Elections & Installation Empire, Room, Grand Lodge, NY

Contact for Ritualistic Assistance: Michael Livschitz (michael.livschitz@gmail.com)

The dress for the day should be black jacket and striped pants for Officers or dark suit for Companion Knights.
If you are an officer and cannot attend, contact the Governor so a substitute can be notified.

Regular Meeting Place at:

Grand Lodge, 71 W 23 St., Manhattan, NY 10110

Officers 2023-2024

Pre-Eminent Governor Jason P. Sheridan js.nyram at gmail.com
Eminent Deputy Governor Stenrick B. Adams
Eminent Chancellor Conrad Johnson
Treasurer George Filippidis george at aresny.com
Secretary Piers A. Vaughan ghp2014 at gmail.com
Trustee - 1 year
Trustee - 2 years
Trustee - 3 years
Primate Darren Fortunato
Preceptor Joel Ginn
Seneschal Michael Livschitz
Marshal James Gregg
Sentinel Paul Huck
Asst. Treasurer

Committee Chairmen

York Rite Cooperation Michael Livschitz (michael.livschitz@gmail.com)
Budget and Finance
Degree Teams (Director of Work) James Gregg
Awards Edmund D. Harrison, OPC
Nominations Piers A. Vaughan, OPC


Manhattan College No. 210 establishes a Facebook Page

PiersVaughan - 2023-10-23 21:31 - (98776030 Reads)

Manhattan College has set up a Facebook page. To join, go to https://www.facebook.com/groups/manhattan210 and click on the +Invite button. You will be verified and if a member of the York Rite, given access.

The College met on Saturday, October 7, when Stenrick Adams, Deputy Governor, presented the College with a flag and a gavel.

The College approved the setting up of a Committee to design a bespoke tie and bowtie for the College. Since we are a daylight College, it was decided that members would wear a dark suit, and Officers a black jacket and striped pants similar to English daylight Lodges.

A photograph was taken to commemorate the 70% attendance at the October meeting.

Piers A. Vaughan

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Manhattan College No. 210 Receives Charter

BruceVB - 2019-12-19 17:03 - (651064 Reads)

MANHATTAN COLLEGE NO. 210, Manhattan, New York

On Saturday, October 26, 2019, Manhattan College No. 210 received its Charter from Richard J. Kessler, Grand Governor of New York, accompanied by David Stoy, Deputy Grand Governor. The meeting was held in the Grand Lodge of New York, and in attendance were many members of the new College, including the Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge of New York, R.W. Richard Schulz, and M.E. Edmund D. Harrison, Past General Grand High Priest of the General Grand Chapter (the Governor of the new College). The Grand Governor praised the College for putting on an excellent Order in May, and for their enthusiasm for the new body.

Following the inauguration of the College, the members adjourned to a local restaurant for a festive luncheon.

Fraternally submitted,

Christopher L. Allen

Contributors to this page: PiersVaughan and BruceVB .
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