Mystery Dinner Theater
Otsego-Schoharie District Order of the Eastern Star
Annual Mystery Dinner Theater
May 10.2025
Please send donations for advertisers and 'tickets" to
3369 STATE HWY 23
WEST ONEONTA NY 13861-6906,~~
Cherry Valley Community Center
Cherry Valley NY
Social Hour (cash bar): 4 PM
Dinner: 5:30 PM
Dinner & Entertainment: $20
This fund-raising event provides scholarships to deserving students from the Central Leatherstocking Masonic District. The proceeds also help to raise money for the Eastern Star Home in Oriskany N.Y. All Lodges in the Central Leatherstocking Masonic District and the OES Chapters in the Otsego-Schoharie District are urged to support this worthwhile cause; you're also provided a fabulous "home-cooked" meal and priceless entertainment. There will be a Share Booth to help raise additional funds. Please have these items to the Center by 4 PM. The cost of admission to this event is $20 per person, which includes the dinner and play. Below is an order form enclosed to request tickets for this event. After I receive your order and check, I will promptly send the tickets to you.
For many years, the advertisers and participants of our fund-raising events have received a booklet that lists local supporters and charitable benefits. The monies received from the ads are raised by hard-working members of the Masonic Lodges and the Eastern Star Chapters, we need your support again to help raise money for these ads. Ads can be 1/4 page, 1/2 page or a full size page. Ads should be as advertisers want to see them in print. Use a booster ad sheet for individuals who desire to support the program in this way. Checks should be made to "O-S & D Masonic Charities Inc.
Deadline for all ads and monies is Apr 26 .
3369 STATE HWY 23
WEST ONEONTA NY 13861-6906
Thank you for your continued support
Sandra L. Bennett, Sec'y
Ticket Order Form
Lodge/Chapter Name
Contact Name and Address (e.g, Secretary):
Number of tickets _________ X $20 = $ ____________
Please enclose check payable to "O-S & D Masonic Charities Inc."
Mrs. Sandra Bennett
205 Crawford Rd
Otego NY 13825-3225