O-S District News and Events
Jeff Shellenberger - 2017-01-30 16:51 - ( Reads)Good morning Brothers and friends. Happy Monday!
This past Saturday we held our 1st annual District Charity Gala at Justine's in Cobleskill. I'm pleased to share that our event hosted 30 people and was a success! The food was spectacular, drinks were flowing, great music and we all enjoyed fellowship and time with our guests. Most importantly, we were able to raise $220 to donate to Victim's of Traumatic Brain Injuries. Brother Steve Garreau and I are already planning next year's event, and will finalize details to share with you all in the fall.
We had such a great time, we have already booked our district summer party at Justine's for the last weekend in August. This will be a clam bake, and all are invited. We will share more details in the spring, but I am hoping we have a large turnout!
Keep your eyes on the district calendar for upcoming degree work and events around our district. It seems as more Lodge's are utilizing the district email system to keep everyone informed with their communications and events, and this is great. KEEP IT COMING!
The District Association (formerly Masters and Wardens Association) and Charities Corporation will be holding a combined meeting in late February / early March. We need to discuss changes to the 2 groups, and finalize details for the Murder Mystery Dinner as well as get going on the golf tournament. I will confirm a date and time with our officers this week and will keep everyone informed. It is important that each Lodge be represented at this meeting.
Saturday 2/25 is our District Ritual Competition. Our AGL, VW Adam Sokolowski has provided details to each Lodge, and I'm sure will put out reminders soon. This year's work will be from the EA Degree, so all masons can participate.
Hope you all have a great week!
Brother Jeff Shellenberger