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Howard Stapley 50 Year Service Award

BruceVB - 2016-09-29 11:29 - ( Reads)

R∴W∴Edward Newsham and W∴Bruce Van Buren presented W∴Howard A Stapley Jr with his 50 Year Service Award. Howard was Master in 1972.

Howard & Bruce
Howard & Bruce
Bruce, Howard & Betty
Bruce, Howard & Betty

News From the Grand Lecturer's Convention

BruceVB - 2016-09-29 11:26 - ( Reads)

Our Grand Lecturer announced a new requirement that every lodge in New York begin conducting an open lodge suitable proficiency on each Brother before advancing to the next degree that follows this format:

The Brother is brought into the lodge room west of the altar and salutes the WM with the due-guard and sign. The WM asks him the first few questions up to but not including the one about how we may know him to be a mason or FC. He is then conducted to the JW who continues with the questions concerning the signs, and then to the SW for the questions about the token.

That is all. This constitutes the minimum standard, for now, of what defines suitable proficiency. This will help to new Brother in his communication skills, speaking in public, and in ensuring that he will be able to work his way into another lodge someday.

We have become slack in what we call suitable proficiency. In the old days all Brothers were required to do the entire series of questions and answers from memory in open lodge before being allowed to pass. It is now time to turn around and head back to that. This is the first step.
GLC 9 22 2016

Oneonta 466 September 2016

BruceVB - 2016-09-20 15:17 - ( Reads)

We had a great Communication with 15 members, 1 EA, and 3 visitors present; 19 total. Highlights:

  • Rick Ranc lost his wedding ring for a few days; found it on the ball field.
  • Ron Ranc jumped out of a perfectly good airplane.
  • Last Monday Oneonta Chapter 277, Royal Arch Masons, received the DDGHP. Delaware Chapter is meeting with them until Delhi Lodge is repaired. There were 21 in attendance.
  • 3 attended Northstar Project training.
  • W∴ Bruce L. Van Buren appointed the district webmaster.
  • Fred Hickein had a heart valve repaired and feels like he'll live to be 100.
  • Annual Awards Dinner. Fred Hickein received special recognition and James St John received his 70 Year Service Award.
  • Past Master need to make appointments at Costa Photography for pictures in our gallery. Please were tuxedo.

NorthStar Project

BruceVB - 2016-08-21 17:15 - ( Reads)

The NorthStar Project is The Grand Lodge of New York’s initiative for meeting and mentoring new Masons in the State of New York. At the site are files and information for Masons. A password is required and is only given to those certified in the program.

Scholarship Recipients 2016

BruceVB - 2016-06-13 13:23 - ( Reads)

The Scholarship Committee of the Otsego, Schoharie and Delaware Masonic Charities Corporation is happy to inform you that the committee for awarding the four $750 scholarships has chosen the following recipients in 2016. There were twenty two extremely well qualified candidates, so we should be very proud of the competition.

2016 Master Investitures

R:.W:. Ted Volkert - 2016-05-20 11:28 - ( Reads)

2016 Investiture 2 For the last 20 years the Past Masters and Masters-elect of the Otsego-Schoharie Masonic District have upheld the tradition of gathering at the historic Bump Tavern (read about the history of the Tavern here: https://www.farmersmuseum.org/node/1152 ) located within the Farmers Museum in Cooperstown, NY to hold their annual Ceremony of Investiture.

This year the Presiding Officer, R:.W:. Bro. Ted Volkert, DDGM introduced the Investing officer, R:.W:. Bro. Roy Bilby, PDDGM, and his staff after the group had been properly soothed by the mellowing tides of bagpipe music provided by W:.Bro. Charlie Poltenson. Masters-elect Bro. Tim Thayer of Cherry Valley Lodge #334, Bro. Kris Kinnear of Cobleskill Lodge #394, Bro. Travis Hartwell of Oneonta Lodge #466, W:. Bro. Randy Rathka of Schoharie Valley Lodge #491, and Bro. Rick Baker of Sidney-Freedom Lodge #801 were put in possession of the secrets of the chair. After the ceremony great dinner was provided by the ladies of Otsego-Hartwich-Arbutus Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star at Otsego Lodge #138 just down the road, and a wonderful speech was given by our Grand Lecturer, R:.W:. Bro. Richard Kessler.

Scholarship Recipients 2012

BruceVB - 2015-10-30 10:25 - ( Reads)

On behalf of the Scholarship Committee of the Otsego, Schoharie and Delaware Charities Corporation I am happy to inform you that the committee for awarding the five scholarships has chosen the following recipients in 2012. There were thirty-six extremely well qualified candidates, so we should be very proud of the competition. Eleven were disqualified due to presenting incomplete information.

  • Katherine D Goss (Schenevus Valley Lodge #592)
  • Gwen Hope Bennis (Laurens Lodge #548)
  • Meredith Clemons (Oneonta Lodge #466)
  • Cassandra Gascon (Delhi Lodge #435)
  • Shanelle Lounsbury (Schoharie Valley Lodge #491)

RW, Alexander D. Brannan
OS&D Charities Corporation Scholarship Committee Chair

2012 Master's Investiture Service at Bump Tavern

BruceVB - 2015-10-30 10:21 - ( Reads)
RW William Thomas, Deputy Grand Master, welcomed the incoming Worshipful Masters of the Otsego-Schoahrie District by presenting the Master's Investiture Ceremony at Bump Tavern, The Farmers' Museum, Cooperstown. The O-S District has been holding their annual investiture ceremony at Bump Tavern since the late 1990's. Dinner at Otsego Lodge No. 138 followed the ceremony. DDGM Roy Bilby was pleased to host the new DGM and other Grand Line officers.
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