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Regional Officer at 8th Capitular District

BruceVB - 2018-04-10 10:54 - ( Reads)

20180409 211417
On April 9, 2018, The Regional Officer visited The 8th District at Oneonta Chapter No. 277. After a dinner prepared by Martha Chapter No. 116, OES, featuring Brook's chicken, the companions convened in the tabernacle for recognition and enlightenment.

L-R: M∴E∴ Edward S. Newsham (277 GHP 1998), R∴W∴ Richard S. Morley (Senior Grand Warden), R∴E∴ Bruce L. Van Buren (277 DDGHP of The 8th Capitular District), V∴E∴ Wilbur Corrington (80 Assistant Grand Lecturer), M∴E∴ James W. Hemstrought (254 GHP 2004), E∴ William Morley (277), Harris Epstein (277), R∴E∴ David H. Raymond (77 Grand Scribe, Regional Officer), E∴ Alexander D. Brannan (277 District Charity Chairman), E∴ Robert A. Miller, Sr, (HP 277), George Thompson (277), E∴ Richard S. Transue (277), R∴E∴ Steven Shearer (254 Grand Master of the 3rd Veil), Ray Todd (277), R∴E∴ Earl G. Wilkinson (254 26), John Murray (254 26), R∴E∴ Gary L. Atkin (277), James D. Higbie (277), Jonathon VanBarriger (80), E∴ Joseph Greenfield (277), and R∴E∴ Charles Lowe (277). Photo by M∴E∴ Allen M. Bryant (Grand High Priest). Also present: R∴E∴ Fred G. Hickein (277). Total present: 23.

High Priests Annointed

BruceVB - 2018-04-07 21:01 - ( Reads)
On April 7, 2018, the Order of High Priesthood was conferred upon Excellent Companion Robert A. Miller, Sr, High Priest of Oneonta Chapter No. 277, and Excellent Companion Russell (Rusty) Perkins, High Priest of Washington Chapter No. 29. They can now preside over chapters of Royal Arch Masons. It was conferred by three from the area who had served as Grand High Priest of the Grand Chapter State of New York.

L-R: M∴E∴ James W. Hemstrought (GHP 2004), M∴E∴ David F. Stoy (GHP 2003), E∴ Robert A. Miller, Sr, E∴ Russell (Rusty) Perkins, M∴E∴ Edward S. Newsham (GHP 1998)
20180407 111723
There were 13 Past High Priests present.

L-R: M∴E∴ James W. Hemstrought (254) , R∴E∴ Homer Burch (254), R∴E∴ Charles Dellow (29), M∴E∴ David F. Stoy (277), E∴ Richard Transue (277), E∴ Robert A. Miller, Sr, (277), R∴E∴ James Meek (254), E∴ Russell (Rusty) Perkins (29), R∴E∴ Robert N. Rogers (254) , and M∴E∴ Edward S. Newsham (277)

Also present were R∴E∴ Fred G. Hickein, R∴E∴ Steven Shearer (254), Grand Master of the 3rd Veil, and R∴E∴ Bruce L. Van Buren, DDGHP of The 8th Capitular District
20180407 111831

DDGHP Presented with Apron

BruceVB - 2018-04-07 20:55 - ( Reads)
R∴E∴ Bruce L. Van Buren, DDGHP of The 8th Capitular District was presented with his warrant, apron, jewel, and pin by area Grand High Priests.

L-R: M∴E∴ James W. Hemstrought (GHP 2004), M∴E∴ David F. Stoy (GHP 2003), Bruce, and M∴E∴ Edward S. Newsham (GHP 1998).
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DDGHP Visits Vallonia Chapter 80

BruceVB - 2018-04-04 14:10 - ( Reads)
After a tasty macaroni & cheese dinner, Vallonia opened for it's Stated Convocation on April 3, 2018 and conducted its business. The DDGHP and Most Excellents present retired.

R∴E∴ Steven Shearer, Grand Master of the 3rd Veil, entered escorting M∴E∴ Edward S. Newsham (GHP 1998) and M∴E∴ James W. Hemstrought (GHP 2004) West of the altar forming reception lines, R∴E∴ Bruce L. Van Buren, DDGHP of The 8th Capitular District entered escorted by R∴E∴ Steven Shearer. They continued to the East and after grand honors, the DDGHP was afforded the gavel.

The DDGHP presented the chapter building blocks as defined by the Grand High Priest, M∴E∴ Allen M. Bryant. He was assisted by
  • V∴ E∴ Wilbur L. Corrington (80), AGL, who covered the Ritual building block
  • E∴ Alexander D. Brannan (277), Charity Chairman, who covered the Charity building block
20180403 204336
The RAC escorted Excellent Companion George Shirkey to the East where he was presented with a diamond Zerubbabel pin by R∴E∴ Steven Shearer and the DDGHP. He was afforded Grand Honors.

L-R: M∴E∴ James W. Hemstrought , E∴ George Shirkey, R∴E∴ Steven Shearer.
Ex George Shirkey received diamond for his Zerubbabel pin
20180403 193016
RAC Jonathon VanBarriger, 3rd Veil E∴ George Shirkey, 2nd Veil George Lang, and 1st Veil Brian Valentine

20180403 204403
L-R: E∴ Richard Transue (277), E∴ Alexander Brannan (277), M∴E∴ Edward S. Newsham (277) , E∴ Robert A. Miller,, Sr (High Priest 277). and M∴E∴ James W. Hemstrought (254)

DDGHP Visits Oxford Chapter 254

BruceVB - 2018-04-04 13:54 - ( Reads)
After a savory meat loaf dinner, Oxford opened for it's Stated Convocation on April 2, 2018 and conducted its business. The DDGHP and Most Excellents present retired.

R∴E∴ Steven Shearer, Grand Master of the 3rd Veil, entered escorting M∴E∴ Edward S. Newsham (GHP 1998), M∴E∴ David F. Stoy (GHP 2003),and M∴E∴ James W. Hemstrought (GHP 2004) West of the altar forming reception lines, R∴E∴ Bruce L. Van Buren, DDGHP (Oneonta 277) entered escorted by R∴E∴ Steven Shearer. They continued to the East and after grand honors, the DDGHP was afforded the gavel.
20180402 205102
The DDGHP presented the chapter building blocks as defined by the Grand High Priest, M∴E∴ Allen M. Bryant. He was assisted by
  • V∴ E∴ Wilbur L. Corrington (80), AGL, who covered the Ritual building block
  • R∴ E∴ Kim C. Dellow (29), Education Officer, who covered the Education building block
20180402 205043

8th Capitular 201802

BruceVB - 2018-02-20 13:36 - ( Reads)
8dist20170217 After a wonderful Breakfast, Western Broome 332 opened for it's stated Convocation on Feb 17, 2018. R∴E∴ Steven Shearer, was escorted to the East and presented Zerubbabel Medals and pins to R∴E∴ Bruce Van Buren (Oneonta 277), E∴ Robert A. Miller,, Sr (Oneonta 277) and Comp Jon Loudermilk (Western Broome 332). Following the Convocation was a District meeting for the 8th Capitular District (which all Chapters of the District were represented) to discuss the District Trestleboard and to encourage support throughout the District among the Chapters. In attendance: M∴E∴ James W. Hemstrought (GHP 2004), R∴E∴ David Raymond (Grand COH), and R∴E∴ Steven Shearer (Grand Master 2nd Veil).

8dist20171216 332 Pictures from the installation of Western Broome Chapter 332 On December 16, 2017.

  • Front Row: R∴E∴ Steven Shearer - Visiting, Comp Tim McMullin - Treas, E∴ Paul Uhlman - King, R∴E∴ Charles Hill - HP, Comp Dave Patch - Scribe, E Scott Kinne - Recorder
  • Back Row: E∴ Jim Meek - Visiting, Comp Bill Van Ness - Sentinel, Comp Steve Page - Cpt of Host, E Ray Sullivan - Mst 2d Veil. Submitted by Steven Shearer and Scott Kinne, Recorder, Western Broome chapter #332

8th Capitular 201710

BruceVB - 2017-10-30 11:20 - ( Reads)
Patch Comp F. David Patch, Western Broome Chapter #332, was presented with a Zerubbabel Medal and Ruby lapel pin for his contributions to Royal Arch Charities. This was performed at a stated convocation of the Chapter on October 21. Pictured left to right: R∴E∴ Steven Shearer; Comp. F. David Patch. Photo credit:  E∴ Scott Kinne.
Transue E∴ Richard Transue, Oneonta Chapter #277, was presented with a Zerubbabel Medal and Ruby lapel pin for his contributions to Royal Arch Charities. This was performed at a stated convocation of the Chapter on October 9, 2017. Pictured left to right: R∴E∴ Steven Shearer; E∴ Richard Transue. Photo credit:  V∴ E∴ William Morley.
Dann E∴ James Dann, Oxford Chapter #254, was presented with a 2 DIAMOND lapel pin for his $2,000 contributions to Royal Arch Charities. This was performed at a stated convocation of the Chapter on September 18, 2017. Pictured left to right: R∴E∴ Steven Shearer; E∴ James Dann; E∴ Daniel Kwasnik, High Priest. Photo credit:  R∴ E∴ Robert Rogers.

Cobleskill 394 News

BruceVB - 2017-10-24 16:58 - ( Reads)

Brothers all,

Our next stated communication of Cobleskill No. 394, on Nov. 7 at our Lodge builidng, will be the occasion for the final visitation by our own Brother and District Deputy, R.W. Theodore Volkert, speaking on behalf of our Grand Master, M. W. Jeffrey Williamson. As such, it's a special occasion for us, to welcome our Brother and district leader home, focus on the Grand Master's designs upon the Masonic Trestleboard, and spend an evening of good fellowship with other brothers in the district — so it'd be extra-special if we could have a great turnout of our Brethren from R.w Ted's home Lodge. If you haven't been to Lodge lately, this would be an excellent opportunity, one and all, to come see what the excitement's all about!

Also, this year, we welcome the Brethren of our partner Lodge (and soon to be joined with us in Merger, all things willing), Working #553, for whom this also constitutes their (likely final) official visitation.

The evening's festivities will begin with dinner before the formalities; our excellent cooking squad under the leadership of J.W. David Grace is planning a feast of ziti with sausage, organic tossed salad, fresh bread, locally produced apple cider and a dessert. Normally we settle down for food and fellowship at 6:30, but given the numbers we'd like to hope will be there, I suspect you'll be welcome any time after 6 or so. (Kindly RSVP to Bro Grace via Masons Online or e-mail at dgrace3 at rocketmail.com so he can plan.)

Then the formal meeting takes place at 7:30, and with the dignitaries on hand, please be on time, if you're going to miss the feed. Also ,we will, under dispensation from Grand Lodge, be opening on the First Degree, per the proposed new changes under consideration by Grand Lodge — so all are welcome, right down to all who stand in the Northeast Corner of the Lodge!

Other news from the Lodge:

  • The Brothers present at our Oct. 17 communication approved two contracts to have significant improvements to heating on both floors of the building done — and with improvements already in the works on the roof, we're looking at upgrades to our Lodge expereince, hopefully for years to come. (These things don't come without a cost, however, and our Building & Maintenance Fund is taking a significant hit to make these things happen. Contributions will be most welcome, and are tax-deductible — and watch for your year-end Dues notice package for an opportunity to add a contribution with your payment. And watch for an invitation from our Trustees to help with cosmetic improvements soon....)
  • The work of the Merger continues apace. On Oct. 30, the negotiating teams from both our Lodge and Working #553 will be meeting in Cobleskill to hopefully hammer out details of our merger agreement, for the subsequent approval of our respective Lodges and submission to the Grand Lodge committee on Charters. Look for a summoned communication sometime in, probably, late November or December to take this matter up.
  • Our Bylaws are also under review at the moment — and the three-man review committee hopes to report back to the Lodge with any proposed revisions soon. Perhaps we take them up at the same summoned Communication? Watch this space....
  • And watch it, also, for news of special year-end events — an Honors Night at which we will present an honored member of our community with the DeWitt Clinton Award, and our annual family holiday party, anticipated to be in early January.
  • And don't forget the Grand Lecturers' Convention set for Nov. 2; important discussion of those proposed new opening and closing procedures for opening on the first and Second Degrees..... come one, come all.

Yours in Brotherhood,
V.W. Joe Phillips
Secretary, Cobleskill Lodge.

DDGM Challenge 2

Ted Volkert - 2017-09-06 08:46 - ( Reads)

It is time once again to begin a new masonic year. As your District Deputy Grand Master I will again be visiting every lodge and bringing our Grand Masters message and some masonic light as well. Many of you expressed an interest in having another exciting game to play this year. I received much feedback on my last game and had to ponder long on what to do to improve it this year. One of the biggest disappointments was hearing that our younger Brothers did not want to travel to play in last year’s game. So I thought long and hard on what sort of a game I could create that would get these Brothers involved, but not require them to travel. I created a puzzle game that would require Brothers from different lodges to team up to solve, but that could be done via email or social networking and was quite pleased with it. Use last year’s cipher to decode the following to get started (NOTE – If you are new or did not play last year the document describing the process can be found here: http://osdmasons.org/article133-DDGM-Masonic-Grail-Quest-Geocache-Challenge and the question on the coin was “What makes you a Mason?”) Get the new challenge: Game 2 Letter With Graphics

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