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William A Rathbun IV passed to the Celestial Lodge

BruceVB - 2019-12-28 21:02 - (13331 Reads)

His funeral will be December 30 2019 at Tillapaugh Funeral Home
Calling hours are 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM. A Masonic Service will start at 1:00 PM

Williams "Bill" A. Rathbun, IV, 59, passed away Thursday morning, Dec. 26, 2019, at Bassett Medical Center in Cooperstown, surrounded by his family.

Bill was born on Oct. 26, 1960, in Cooperstown, the son of Williams A. Rathbun III and Virginia (Marr) Rathbun of Springfield. He was raised in the Springfield area and graduated from the former Springfield High School in the Class of 1980.

Following high school, Bill worked as a general contractor and undertook many projects of varying types for many local families.

In the spring of 1996, Bill joined the teaching staff at Milford BOCES, teaching students career skills in the manual trades. He first taught "Career Pathways" in special education which consisted of various career choices especially suited to his students desires and talents. A few years later he was asked to teach Welding and Auto Tech, which he did for more than ten years. Most recently and for the balance of his 23 plus years at BOCES, he taught Natural Resource Occupation, which involved such topics as logging and heavy equipment operation. Bill loved his students and his job. He often said he was born to teach at BOCES.

When not at BOCES, Bill put in long hours assisting his wife, Anna at "Finders Keepers," her antique and second-hand store on Main Street in Richfield Springs.

Bills hobbies mirrored his work. He loved going "antiquing" and working on and fixing just about anything that ran, clocks, watches, phonographs, gas and electric motors and antique "one-lung" engines. He was known for his ability to fix just about anything and was always willing to stop what he was doing to help others in need. He was community minded.

He was a former member of the East Springfield Fire Department, which he joined following in his dad's footsteps. He was also a member of the former Masonic Lodge No. 482 in Richfield Springs and when that Lodge closed, transferred to Winfield Masonic Lodge No. 581 in West Winfield, where he remained a member.

Bill is survived by his wife, Anna (Fort) Rathbun of the Town of Springfield; son, Williams "Alden" A. Rathbun V, also of Springfield; mother, Virginia Rathbun, now of Rotterdam; sister, Priscillia Burgess (Robert) of Rotterdam; niece, Lily Burgess; brother-in-law, William Fort and his children, James and Rachael of the Milford area; brother-in-law, Steven Yager (Cheryl) and family; and his "sister-in-law," Diane Mondore (Jerry) of Colorado and their family.
He was predeceased by his father, Williams A. Rathbun III, in 2000.

The family will be present to receive friends from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Monday Dec. 30, at Tillapaugh Funeral Home, 28 Pioneer St., Cooperstown.

Funeral services will follow the visitation at 1 p.m., officiated by Ronald Fralick, Pastor of the Cherry Valley Presbyterian Church.

Burial will occur in Springfield Cemetery in the spring.

Manhattan College No. 210 Receives Charter

BruceVB - 2019-12-19 17:03 - (217959 Reads)

MANHATTAN COLLEGE NO. 210, Manhattan, New York

On Saturday, October 26, 2019, Manhattan College No. 210 received its Charter from Richard J. Kessler, Grand Governor of New York, accompanied by David Stoy, Deputy Grand Governor. The meeting was held in the Grand Lodge of New York, and in attendance were many members of the new College, including the Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge of New York, R.W. Richard Schulz, and M.E. Edmund D. Harrison, Past General Grand High Priest of the General Grand Chapter (the Governor of the new College). The Grand Governor praised the College for putting on an excellent Order in May, and for their enthusiasm for the new body.

Following the inauguration of the College, the members adjourned to a local restaurant for a festive luncheon.

Fraternally submitted,

Christopher L. Allen

DDGHP Visit to Western Broome Chapter No 332

BruceVB - 2019-10-24 11:59 - (5846 Reads)

Western Broome Chapter No 332 recently had their official visit from RE Bruce Van Buren, DDGHP. Also visiting that day was ME James Hemstrough, PGHP; RE Brian Singer, Grand Scribe; and RE Steven Shearer, Grand Royal Arch Captain. 17 companions joined for breakfast, followed by an inspirational message from the DDGHP. Of note, E James Meek of Oxford Chapter was presented with an Honorary Membership Certificate by RE Charles Hill, EHP of Western Broome for his dedicated support of Western Broome No. 332.

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Scholarship Recipients 2019

BruceVB - 2019-07-23 10:50 - (6269 Reads)
L-R:  Alex Brannan (Chairman), Aben Gray Carrington, Aidan E. Forbes, and Ashley Harrington
L-R: Alex Brannan (Chairman), Aben Gray Carrington, Aidan E. Forbes, and Ashley Harrington

Aidan E. Forbes Oneonta H.S. Oneonta Lodge # 466
Ashley Harrington Morris C.S. Laurens Lodge # 548
Olivia Harby Walton C.S. Delaware River Lodge # 439
Erik Neil Deysenroth Cooperstown H.S. Otsego Lodge # 138
Aben Gray Carrington Oneonta H.S. Oneonta Lodge # 466

For more scholarship information see OSDMC

2019 Murder Mystery Dinner

BruceVB - 2019-05-12 13:02 - (6404 Reads)

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Oxford Royal Arch Awards 2018

BruceVB - 2018-11-06 15:27 - (5888 Reads)

Oxford Royal Arch Chapter No. 254 held their Annual Awards Night on November 5, 2018 at Oxford, NY
List Files forDownload

The evening began with fellowship and a ziti and chicken parmesan dinner. We moved to the chapter room for the awards ceremony. There were present 19 Chapter Companions, 10 ladies, M∴E∴ Allen M. Bryant, Grand High Priest, R∴E∴ Bruce L. Van Buren, DDGHP of The 8th Capitular District, and V∴ E∴ Wilbur L. Corrington, AGL.

Oxford Royal Arch Chapter Awards - Photos by R∴E∴ Bruce L. Van Buren, DDGHP of The 8th Capitular District

Comp. Patrick M. Blenis receives 5 year award. Exhalted 3 June 2013 - Presented by Grand High Priest M∴E∴ Allen M. Bryant and High Priest E∴ Daniel P. Kwasnik

E∴ James E. Dann receives 10 year award. Exhalted 3 November 2008 - Presented by Grand High Priest M∴E∴ Allen M. Bryant and High Priest E∴ Daniel P. Kwasnik

R∴E∴ Steven R. Shearer receives 10 year award. Exhalted 7 January 2008 - Presented by Grand High Priest M∴E∴ Allen M. Bryant and High Priest E∴ Daniel P. Kwasnik

Comp. David A. Perry receives 20 year award. Exhalted 10 October 1998 - Presented by Grand High Priest M∴E∴ Allen M. Bryant and High Priest E∴ Daniel P. Kwasnik

Comp. Dennis Youngs receives his Zerubbabel Pin - Presented by Grand High Priest M∴E∴ Allen M. Bryant, M∴E∴ James W. Hemstrought, Jr. and High Priest E∴ Daniel P. Kwasnik

M∴E∴ James W. Hemstrought, Jr. receives a Double Diamond for his Zerubbabel Pin - Presented by GM 3rd Veil R∴E∴ Steven R. Shearer, Grand High Priest M∴E∴ Allen M. Bryant and High Priest E∴ Daniel P. Kwasnik

Photos by R∴E∴ Bruce L. Van Buren, DDGHP of The 8th Capitular District

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