

The Master of the Lodge has power, and it shall be his duty:

  • To congregate the members of his Lodge upon any emergency.
  • To issue summons, which must be issued over his name, by his order, and attested by the written signature of the Secretary under the seal of the Lodge, and the original inserted in the Lodge minutes. A copy of such summons must be served upon the brother summoned, either personally or by electronic mail or by mail through the Post Office to his address last known to the secretary.
  • To see that the duties of the Secretary are faithfully and punctually performed and that all reports and returns are promptly made.
  • To discharge all the executive functions of the Lodge.
  • To remove any appointed officer for cause deemed sufficient by the Master.
  • At his first Communication, the Master will:
    1. Certify that the assets of the Lodge and its records, papers, curios, etc. are safely in possession of the of the Lodge. This certification to be recorded in the minutes of the Lodge Communication.
    2. Appoint an Assistant Treasurer and an Assistant Secretary.
    3. Entertain a motion to empower the Trustees to draw, transfer, exchange, or deposit any funds in their custody.

In the case of the death, absence, or inability of the Master, or a vacancy in his office, the Senior and Junior Wardens shall, in succession, succeed to his prerogatives and duties for all purposes except as pertains to the installation of officers.

The Master or his elected proxy shall represent the lodge at the Annual Grand Communication. The lodge shall provide an allotment for his travel expenses.

In addition the Master shall

  • be proficient all the work of his office including conferring the 3rd Degree
  • appoint the 3rd Degree team
  • see to the proficiency of the 3rd Degree team
  • see that his committees are performing heir assigned tasks and cause them to give appropriate reports to the lodge
  • Attend meetings of the District Association (Masters & Wardens)


  • Is on all committees unofficially
  • Appoints all committee members unless By-Laws specify
  • Sets dates of various Lodge activities: ie degrees, highway clean-up; rehearsals for degrees etc.
  • Fixes go-to church date (usually at the church he attends and 1st Sunday in November)
  • Appoints Investigating committee: usually a Past Master, a line officer and a Brother.
  • Confers all three degrees in Fall and then the Sr. Warden confers the FC Degree in spring and the Jr. Warden confers the EA degree in spring.
  • The Master is MEKS in fall conferral of MM degree
  • Assigns Past Masters in drama (second section) in spring.

On Stated Communications when there is no other work, a portion of some degree can be exemplified. This would be equivalent to having another rehearsal, but only part of the degree would be exemplified. The JD could indicate i.e. the first section of the FC degree will be exemplified, in his information to the paper.

Contributors to this page: BruceVB and system .
Page last modified on Thursday February 18, 2016 13:15:54 EST by BruceVB.
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